A while back I decided to take part in a KH art book project and at that time it was still very far in the future…now two months later I have not made much progress, because August and September have been quite busy.
Also, I just really couldn’t decide who to draw under the given theme…. (T___T)
But I have eventually made up my mind and it will be Axel, Roxas and Xion; and I know that that’s probably a bit cliche, but I really like them. Especially Xion. In the past I have once drawn Axel and Roxas for a secret Santa event on Animexx, so I was already a little biased from that… even though that’s possible ten years ago…..>.>)
In either case, the other day Jazza
released a set of really cool brushes and I just got then. I think they will be perfect for the overall style and right now I am really liking how it all turns out. Even though I am super indecisive about the coloring right now. And I only have like two weeks left now….
Damn, I have to finish this soon!!!