I was finally able to add some more pages as well as Liora’s profile page. She was meant to be a very temporary character, but she is just becoming more important….I LOVE HER!
As of now I know a few things about her, but not much of her backstory, so I’ll have to think about it. I am very certain about how she and Skye ended up in the mess of a relationship they are having and I really hope I get to explore that in a bonus chapter soon…ish
For one, Liora is definitely supposed to be a character with questionable morals and behaviour. She isn’t outright evil as a person (true, she is one of the antagonists, but they do have morals), but she knows how to manipulate people…especially young and vulnerable ones…*cough cough*.
I’m very sure she did not mean any harm when she met Sky for the first time, but she most definitely took advantage of his state of mind. Lucky…or not so much so for her, some circumstances allowed her to be with him more, leaving her in a perpetual state of being close to someone she can’t fully have. She get’s a taste every once in a while, but no more. I guess for the most part she is OK as long as she can have a little bit at least, but from the first few pages since her appearance if should be clear, that she definitely would like more. After all, as Skye’s superior she is already mostly responsible for him, but in her mind it’s not paying off enough…
I wonder if Skye would ever come around to being serious with her…I have my doubts, because of … reasons … but who knows.
And yes, her behaviour is MEANT to be problematic, but goodness, it’s so difficult these days. The other day I was wondering if I need to apply IRL morals to a fictional/fantasy setting and I debated the “morality” and “necessity” to implement rules similar to the human world, when it comes to the legal age of drinking and the age of consent. I’ve been thinking about Liora’s age a lot. I know that Skye was going to be 19 when they meet, but I sure as hell wasn’t sure what would be too creepy for her age. At first I was thinking 10 years older was OK, but then I dropped the age difference to 7 years…mostly because Skye is so young when they meet. If he had been older, I wouldn’t have been so picky, 10, 15+ years wouldn’t have been a big issue, I think. But oh well. I think it’s OK now…
Anyway, here is the new pages: “Ember to Stars: Chapter 2: Interlude”
ALSO, I’m on Twitch now and I try streaming on “Creative” Mondays and/or Tuesdays!
Gotta make a nice banner for the front page and some extras for the stream. Have to get a better headset, too. But so far it’s fun, because, for one, using the MobileStudio is so much fun, and also people are always so nice!