Category Archives: ets


So! There is a new page! And as it were, there will be no new page next week, since it’s my birthday and I need to do lots of things and won’t be home for a few evenings or have to get up really early for work related things…BUT! I did start on the new […]


I was finally able to add some more pages as well as Liora’s profile page. She was meant to be a very temporary character, but she is just becoming more important….I LOVE HER! As of now I know a few things about her, but not much of her backstory, so I’ll have to think about […]


It’s the middle of summer, I’m essentially melting every day, but I did try to work really hard on this one. Been working on the new pages for “Embers to Stars” during my lunch break and at home mostly every day I could and finally the Interlude has begun! I really, really wanted to tell […]


It’s been a month since my vacation to Germany and I finally updated and finished the first part of chapter 2 for “Embers to Stars” I also updated the gallery with a tiny two pieces…I feel like I lost some of the drawings I did recently. orz Also, I don’t really want to add any […]