Category Archives: cca


Not even another two weeks and this year is already over. Hmm…I really wanted to draw more this year, but with the job changes and all, I ended up drawing way less than last year. I hope I can get back to drawing and just “creating” more again. I know it’s hard with a job, […]


It’s been more than a months ago and I really don’t know where November went. Was it me playing FFXV the second time? Was it work. I just don’t know. I feel like I can’t catch up with life right now. I’m constantly tired and cold. My job is fun and I enjoy the experiences […]


As I may have mentioned before, I’ve gotten myself an 8 inch tablet to draw on and I keep mentioning it, because I love it! I can just doodle on and on.   For sketching and really just doodling I use mostly the free version of Sketchbook, because it’s fast and just has a minimal […]


So the other day, I did my first stream on Facebook and I guess it was OK. The link is here: I still very much love the tablet and I wanted to try streaming again on a platform that wouldn’t delete the video after 24 hours. I should have put it in landscape mode, […]